Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies trying to KILL a SPID, getting 'Cannot use KILL to kill your own process.' RE: trying to KILL a SPID, getting 'Cannot use KILL to kill your own process.'

  • GilaMonster (10/11/2013)

    How are you identifying that the session 54 (which is your current session that you're running the sp_who from) is locking resources and preventing updates?

    I'm concluding that session 54 is locking resources and preventing updates for the following reasons:

    (1) The Command the SPID is referring to is called SELECT INTO, which is the last query I ran against Sandbox and it kept executing without returning results or timing out.

    It's the query I cancelled.

    (2) Since cancelling it, subsequent queries on that database, which have no reason to run slow eg. ALTER TABLE <tablename> ALTER COLUMN <column name> datetype just took over 3 minutes to complete. .

    (3) I'm the only one who touches this db and so I know everything was just fine before the SELECT INTO query.

    The SPID is now clocking 140954 CPUTime and 35925 DiskIO, even though I haven't been on the instance for 2 days. No other SPIDs are taking any more than 15 CPU time or 5 DiskIO. Mostly, 0s up and down the sp_who2 columns.

    Any reason why I shouldn't be able to kill the SPID regardless of why I think it's the offending one or not? I'm pretty sure it is, but don't know how else to prove it.

    --Quote me