• When you say "data aggregator", I'm thinking something like a data mart, a database that aggregates data from multiple sources and possibly different structures.To leverage the strengths of a relational database like SQL Server, I would reccomend creating a fixed number of conformed and normalized tables. For exmple, there should be one (and only one) Customer table, Invoice table, Campaign table, etc.

    what if the user wants to import a new data structure that is not normalized yet in database ...say the data is for assets... is it best to treat such cases by creating the new structure programatically into database or store new structures as xml data types? other better ways?

    i have seen similar case in MS dynamic CRM. they have an import wizard that lets you import new structures and define the data types of fields and foreign keys as well but i could not find how they treat this at the database level.. any clues?
