• dwain.c (10/9/2013)

    Luis Cazares (10/9/2013)

    You need a Units table or at least a Units set to look for all units. after that the rest is easy, just add a RIGHT JOIN.


    count(fr.[Unit]) as Actual,




    FROM [lchs_live].[dbo].[Full_Referrals_Dataset_live] fr

    RIGHT JOIN Units u ON fr.unit = u.unit

    where RfR1 = '18 month project'

    group by fr.unit,



    Uh, Luis. Isn't that RIGHT JOIN going to leave you with NULLs in the resulting [1st_of_month], last_of_month columns? And also I think you'd want to refer to u.unit and not fr.unit.

    You're absolutely right, I didn't think the query throughly and got distracted. :hehe:

    Luis C.
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