Home Forums SQL Server 2014 Development - SQL Server 2014 Dynamic SQL to move data from from database to another taking into account identity keys RE: Dynamic SQL to move data from from database to another taking into account identity keys

  • Hopefully the below helps. Thanks.

    T1 = docket_module whose PK is docket_module_ID (step 1 below)

    T2 = docket_module_step whose PK is an autonumber field called docket_module_step_ID and FK of docket_module_ID back to T1 (step 3 below)

    T3 = docket_module_input_param whose PK is an autonumber field with FK of docket_module_step_ID back to T2 (step 4 below which is where I get the error)

    The problem I'm having is how to do the insert into T3 using the correct FK back to T2. I'm thinking I may need to store the contents of my insert into T2 in memory along with all of the SOURCE database's fields for T2 so that I can then later match them up when I do the insert into T3 on the DESTINATION. Otherwise, my inserts into T3 on the destination side don't know which FK to use.

    DECLARE @dmChangedBy int = 1 --The user_ID

    DECLARE @dmChangedDate datetime = GetDate()

    --1) INSERT INTO docket_module


    select 'INSERT INTO docket_module (docket_module_title,docket_module_description,docket_module_category_ID,docket_module_enabled,changed_date,changed_by) VALUES ('

    + '''' + docket_module_title + ''','

    + '''' + isnull(docket_module_description,'') + ''','

    + isnull(RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(docket_module_category_ID))) + ''',','NULL,')

    + isnull(RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(docket_module_enabled))) + ',','NULL,')

    + '''' + RTRIM(isnull(cast(@dmChangedDate as varchar(30)) + ''',','NULL,'))

    + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@dmChangedBy)))

    + ')' as '1st SQL statement - docket_module'

    from docket_module

    where docket_module_title = @dmTitle

    --2) INSERT INTO docket_module_variable

    --First get docket_module_ID for newly inserted docket module to use in rest of WHERE clauses

    -- NOTE: This variable declaration and assignment has to be scripted so that it occurs on the DESTINATION database not the source database so as not to have a key conflict

    --DECLARE @dmDocketModuleID int

    --select 'DECLARE @dmDocketModuleID int = (select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title=@dmTitle)'

    select 'INSERT INTO docket_module_variable (docket_module_ID,step_GUID,param_name,variable_name,fully_qualified_type,changed_date,changed_by) VALUES ('

    + RTRIM(('(select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title=''' + @dmTitle + ''')')) + ','

    + '''' + isnull(step_GUID,'') + ''','

    + '''' + isnull(param_name,'') + ''','

    + isnull(cast('''' + variable_name + ''',' as varchar(2000)),'NULL,')

    + '''' + isnull(fully_qualified_type,'') + ''','

    + '''' + RTRIM(isnull(cast(@dmChangedDate as varchar(30)) + ''',','NULL,'))

    + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@dmChangedBy)))

    + ')' as '2nd SQL statement - docket_module_variable'

    from docket_module_variable

    where docket_module_ID = (select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title=@dmTitle) --@dmDocketModuleID

    --3) INSERT INTO docket_module_step

    select 'INSERT INTO docket_module_step (docket_module_ID,module_action,step_GUID,step_number,changed_date,changed_by) VALUES ('

    + RTRIM(('(select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title=''' + @dmTitle + ''')')) + ','

    + '''' + isnull(module_action,'') + ''','

    + '''' + isnull(step_GUID,'') + ''','

    + '''' + isnull(RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(step_number))) + ''',','NULL,')

    + '''' + RTRIM(isnull(cast(@dmChangedDate as varchar(30)) + ''',','NULL,'))

    + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@dmChangedBy)))

    + ')' as '3rd SQL statement - docket_module_step'

    from docket_module_step

    where docket_module_ID = (select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title=@dmTitle) --@dmDocketModuleID

    --4) INSERT INTO docket_module_input_param

    select 'INSERT INTO docket_module_input_param (docket_module_step_ID,param_name,source_type,expression,fully_qualified_type,changed_date,changed_by) VALUES ('

    + RTRIM('(select docket_module_step_ID from docket_module_step where docket_module_ID in ((select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title =''' + @dmTitle + ''')))') + ','

    + '''' + isnull(param_name,'') + ''','

    + '''' + isnull(source_type,'') + ''','

    + '''' + isnull(RTRIM(LTRIM(expression)) + ''',','NULL,')

    + '''' + isnull(RTRIM(LTRIM(fully_qualified_type)) + ''',','NULL,')

    + '''' + RTRIM(isnull(cast(@dmChangedDate as varchar(30)) + ''',','NULL,'))

    + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(@dmChangedBy)))

    + ')' as '4th SQL statement - docket_module_input_param'

    from docket_module_input_param

    --where docket_module_input_param.docket_module_step_ID in (select docket_module_step_ID from docket_module_step where docket_module_ID = ('(select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title =''' + @dmTitle + ''')')) --@dmDocketModuleID)

    where docket_module_input_param.docket_module_step_ID in (select docket_module_step_ID from docket_module_step where docket_module_ID in ((select docket_module_ID from docket_module where docket_module_title = @dmTitle ))) --@dmDocketModuleID)