• I would suggest to setup a bcp batch job using SQLAgent, providing the jobstep proxy account only with the needed authorisation to read the source data and write to the destination instance.

    I would not use a linked server to implement that, because of the risk of abuse.

    Intentions now are good and can be implemented using a linked server, but once a linked server definition is in place, everyone can use it and then the impact may overgrow the intended one and servers will actually become depentent. That would mean apps using the target server may not work if you take the source server down for e.g. maintenance, ...

    example bcp sequence:

    rem Create format files

    bcp yourdb.yourschema.yourtable format NUL -fc:\ImportExport\SourceInstance_yourschema.yourtable.fmt -S SourceInstance\SourceInstance -T -n -o c:\ImportExport\SourceInstance_yourschema.yourtable_fmt.log

    rem delete data via SQLCMD only if needed / consider Truncate table

    rem sqlcmd -S TargetInstance -d yourDB -E -Q "delete from yourschema.yourtable;" -o "c:\ImportExport\TargetInstance_yourDB_delete_yourschema.yourtable.Log"

    rem Import dataIN HIARARCHICAL ORDER !!!

    bcp yourDB.yourschema.yourtable in c:\ImportExport\SourceInstance_yourschema.yourtable.bcp -fc:\ImportExport\SourceInstance_yourschema.yourtable.fmt -S TargetInstance -T -CRAW -k -E -h"TABLOCK,CHECK_CONSTRAINTS" -o c:\ImportExport\DEV01_LOAD_yourDB_yourschema.yourtable.log


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