• Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for your reply. There were a little miscomprehension. I ve tried to write it in a sort paragraph, but it was too short.

    It's a really strange situation. A bit more information:

    IT System Support dont want to spend their time with managing subscriptions. And as i mentioned we have standard edition, no data driven subscription on the UI. They asked us to find a workaround. I surely wont be fired.

    The question is wich workaround is less bad.

    My opinion the A version is violence on the system. I would be happy, if someone wrote any detailed confirmation on it.

    What i really want to know, what is the problem with the B version.

    - Every responsible have the rights to run the reports.

    - Therefore we have rights to the Report Execution Service.

    - I think its one of the recommended interfaces of Reporting Services.

    - I think doesnt matter SSIS or my IE requests the report.

    - Version B has no essential difference from running the report, saving, and sending it. It is a way to do it easier.

