Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering Installing Standard Edition vs Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2005 RE: Installing Standard Edition vs Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2005

  • Brandie Tarvin (10/3/2013)

    And does this document help? I found it searching on "SQL 2005 licensing structure" but couldn't get an actual link (nor find it on Microsoft's website even though opening it took me directly to download.microsoft.com).

    EDIT: and then there's this link here.

    Your first question in your first post, I have no idea. The SA's do all the software installs, including SQL Server. I can find this out though.

    The info you provided above, nope, doesn't really answer the question. Perhaps if I put it this way:

    If I have SQL Server media for SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, and while installing SQL Server, if I use a license key for SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition will SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition be installed or will I get an error message of some sort?

    I thought I had read some where that what actually controlled the version installed was the license key. I just can't find that information anymore.