• I think this was a very good perspective that there a re a lot of exteremely amazing candidates getting overlooked simply becuase they can't mesh with a group. I have met a few very smart people who I would love to throw through a wall becuase of how irritating they were in person. LOL

    That said, I have been fortunate in that I can work in the office or from home. But we have spaces here we can occupy if we desire, although some frown on it, when we want to hash out a process. Some of us have even been known to camp out in these rooms for weeks on end. But I do think having private space to draw back into to stay focused is a solid requirement for some folsk to really excel. It can be hard to get through the noise of life and headphones don't afford quiet. Right no I am sitting here and can here four phone conversations at the same time, none of which pertain to my work. This at times can clutter my thoughts and make it difficult to acheive solid results quickly. When it is quiet I can fly through desings.

    I don't think the greats were really all that non-social, they just became accustomed to it and thrived through adaption. However, as time proceeded it became the natural state for them. So I don't fully agree that the future greats can't be social and just as great as those form the past.