Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering What roles do I add to a new custom role, which will allow CRUD and execute on SP? RE: What roles do I add to a new custom role, which will allow CRUD and execute on SP?

  • OK, Bhuvnesh and Gail, I've created a new role, but adding db_datareader and db_datawriter has me stumped. I've tried doing it through the SSMS GUI, but it won't let me, as it doesn't see any of the fixed database roles, which honestly I don't understand why it says "users and roles" and then it doesn't show you them. So I looked for more help and came across this thread here on SSC from 2010:


    In that thread Lowell used the ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA command, but if I understand that correctly that gave his new role MyRole ownership of the schema. That isn't what I want. I'd rather add db_datareader and db_datawriter roles to my new custom role, on any schema within the database. (Besides dbo I've got another schema named MgmtReports with a few tables I want to grant access to my new custom role.) So, what is the correct commands do I use, please?

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.