• Hi Briandonor,

    I attach you the Estimated Execution plan and the number of rows per table.

    According to the execution plan the more expensive statement is:

    INSERT INTO @Property

    Select * FROM OPENQUERY (ingres2, '




    , propfixed.proadd1

    , propfixed.proadd2

    , propfixed.proadd3

    , propfixed.propstcde


    , propfixed.mnodecode

    FROM propfixedinner join mnode ON propfixed.mnodecode = mnode.code

    I don't understand why if the statement is using a join table to bring data froma look up table that only has 20 records. the propfixed table has only 88923 records. Is there any other way to bring data from a look up table?

    Thanks a lot,
