• paul.knibbs (9/25/2013)

    I always like Maurice Wilkes' quote about this:

    "I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs."

    That was back in the late 40s, I believe, so this has been going on for a while! It doesn't help that SQL, as a language, isn't really well designed for debugging--it's one of the few languages I've used where I find it faster to just rewrite a line of code that isn't working rather than try to figure out why it isn't.

    That's a lot less depressing than realizing that a large part of your life from now on will be spent in debugging and correcting mistakes in other people's programs. 🙂

    I have worked on quite a range of projects. Some systems are clearly written by people who care about the quality of their code, and other systems are clearly written by people who are only interested in adding a new technology to their CV before moving on to the next step on their intended career path and don't really care about the trouble they are causing for the people who will have to sort out the mess when they are gone.
