• Steve wrote - "As data professionals, we can help people learn how they can analyze and manipulate data better with the tools we have available."

    First comment People do not need any tools or help manipulating data. We find manipulation high on the list of National past times, along with Complaining, Claiming that they are victims, and filing law suits.

    However, just because someone might manipulate data for their own purposes does not negate the over ridding benefits to getting data in the hands of those who will use it correctly. Keeping data out of the hands of the masses because some might use it incorrectly or intentionally wrong is like keeping all motorized vehicles off the road because some might use a vehicle as a get away car from a crime.

    Sorry for longwinded here, but this reminds me of when I use to feed the song birds from a feeder in the back lawn. Some gain would fall to the ground and the mice and rats would eat it. I learned then that to feed the song birds you also have to feed some rats.


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!