Home Forums Data Warehousing Analysis Services Filter Dimension Members that don't have any Values in selected Measures RE: Filter Dimension Members that don't have any Values in selected Measures

  • The answer will probably be along the lines of writing MDX within the cube design to add a set to the cube to show only the members of the dimension with values. In the example you gave this looked with the ADV2012 cube. These are available in Excel within the pivot table

    To filter the dates that are valid for Reseller Sales measures (Order Quantity and Sales Amount)

    CREATE DYNAMIC SET CURRENTCUBE.[Valid Set of Reseller Sales Date] AS


    [Order Date].[Date].[Date].MEMBERS, -- This is the full set to be filtered


    [Measures].[Reseller Order Quantity],

    [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount]

    } -- This is the set of measures to filter the list for fully null values

