• Koen Verbeeck (9/16/2013)

    Nice one. Will probably never use it though 😀

    Oh, you might just get caught up with it quite by accident. It used to be true, and may still be true, that if the assembly was explicitly loaded by create assembly in SQL it would be visible( until changed), but if it was loaded implicitly because another assembly needed it it wouldl be marked invisible, so you wouldn't be able to call it directly until you changed it, and you wouldn't be able to change it until the other assembly goes away; so it was possible for an assembly to be invisible without you intending it to happen, and that could be a nuisance. But last time I looked at CLR was years ago, so some of that may have changed since. And I might be misremembering, as I never actually used this stuff, just read about it to see whether it was anything that might justify the cost of upgrading ourselves (and our customers) to SQL Server 2005.
