Home Forums Data Warehousing Analysis Services a calculated member cannot be used as an operand of a range operator RE: a calculated member cannot be used as an operand of a range operator

  • bump.... anyone with a solution to this? i have a similar problem, in that I'm trying to generate the date range using stringtomember, so I don't have to have hard coded dates:

    create member currentcube.[rollingYear] as Tail(StrToMember("[Date].[Date Hierarchy].[Month].[" + Format(Measures.maxInternalDate, "MMMM yyyy") + "]"), 12);

    Then i use the rollingYear:thisYear (another calculated member) but get the operator error.

    If I create the rollingYear with the range in it i get a member error when a tuple was expected when I use the rollingYear:

    create member currentcube.[rollingYear] as {Tail(StrToMember("[Date].[Date Hierarchy].[Month].[" + Format(Measures.maxInternalDate, "MMMM yyyy") + "]"), 12):StrToMember("[Date].[Date Hierarchy].[Month].[" + Format(Measures.maxInternalDate, "MMMM yyyy") + "]")};