• HI

    As you don't explain the errors or the code you are running you are getting I can't really be of much use.............

    You need to find the name of the service that you which to know about using Get-service and set them to a variable


    $SSRS = Get-Service -ComputerName $server -name *report*

    then check if that $variable is $Null and if it is write Service Not Installed on $server and if it isn't give the details


    If ($SSRS -eq $null)


    Write-Host "SSRS Not Installed on $server"






    Then repeat that for each of the services you want to know about

    Once you have that for each of the services you are interested in put the whole script in a loop and call each of your servers


    $servers = @("NAME1","NAME2")

    or $servers = Get-Content "pathtoservers.txt"

    foreach($server in $servers)


    Put all the code you have written above in here


    Then it will work. (Providing your account has permissions to do everything it needs to do)

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