• todd.ayers (9/12/2013)

    Yeah... I'm pretty sure.... As a matter of fact this example database that I am creating comes from a book I am going through (Beginning SQL Server 2008 for Developers: From Novice to Professional)

    Now I can right click on the Databases container in the Object Explorer and create a new Database that way with no issues. but using the Query Editor will not work for me...

    If you can create a new database in the gui but not in a query window then it pretty much has to be the path. Try copying that path to the clipboard and pasting it into a windows explorer title bar.

    Or run this query.

    select * from sys.database_files

    Copy the path from physical_name and paste it into your query. My money is that you have a typo. This isn't a permissions issue. The error message expressly states that it can't find the path.


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