• Alan.B (9/12/2013)

    Sean Lange (9/12/2013)

    select SUM(Case when MyType = 2 then -1 * MyHours else MyHours end) as TotalHours

    from #SomeTable

    If I understand the original OP correctly (" If something has been credited, the billed item row should be excluded") this would not provide the right answer with this sample data:

    INSERT INTO #SomeTable

    SELECT 'xxx',3,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'yyy',3,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'xxx',4,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'xxx',1,1;

    I believe the right answer would be 8, your query would return a 5.

    ... but who knows without any ddl :Whistling:

    The OP stated that the query should return 5.

    and I do a sum of the hours, I get 11. However, a Type of 1 is a billed item and 2 is a credit item. If something has been credited, the billed item row should be excluded, resulting in a total of 5.

    To be fair, the way I wrote that makes the most sense because you could have a credit that is not for the full amount. Imagine if there was 3 hours billed but only 2 credited.


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