• simon.crick (9/11/2013)

    Why not base your decision on the candidate's academic qualifications?

    College and university exams are far more rigorous and comprehensive than any interview tests can ever be.

    Choose a candidate with good exam grades in a relevant subject area from a reputable college/university and you can't go far wrong.

    Base your decision on a small number of random interview tests and you will get random results.


    College degrees are a pretty good indicator, especially when considering folks new to the job market. At some point a history of job performance can lend greater influence to hiring decisions. Certifications should be a positive indicator also, the fact that they can be gamed is an indication that the particular certs being gamed need to be fixed, not that testing knowledge and performance is simply invalid in itself. College degrees by definition test knowledge and ability, and so should certs (to whatever degree the cert aims to test).