• chrisn-585491 (9/6/2013)

    What you typed however is not the compelling argument that I was hoping for.

    It's not my job to educate you.

    Never said it was. (edit: Ok, I did say I hoped for some compelling arguments of which yours was not one. My mistake, lol right in the quote I was replying to, but technically I didn't specifically assign any particular task to you.)

    I'm not going to do your homework.

    You don't need to, I never assigned you that task either.

    I'm not going to give you a "brain dump" of what numerous people have posted on blogs. But I will suggest you listen to this podcast to understand the value of the program and the various repercussions :


    Fair enough, although I've already posted some thoughts on the value of the program, and the other programs at different levels.

    When the very best at their craft say there is an issue, I tend to listen to them and try to understand what's at stake.

    I never said I didn't listen to them or read what they say. I also didn't call them a troll or in any manner ignorant of any topic they were discussing. Just sayin!