• Here's one way, using ADO.Net + ODBC connection... (this is more or less from my working SSIS 2008/2010 ScriptTask C# code...)

    The methodology is similar for ADO.Net + SqlConnection. SqlConnection also has a GetSchema() method.

    var conn = new OdbcConnection();

    conn = (OdbcConnection)Dts.Connections["connMgrName"].AcquireConnection(null);

    var tbls = conn.GetSchema("Tables");

    var tblCols = conn.GetSchema("Columns");

    var sql = new StringBuilder();

    foreach(DataRow t in tbls.Rows) {

    sql.AppendFormat("create table {0}(", t["TABLE_NAME"]);

    foreach(DataRow c in tblCols.Rows) {

    //the actual field names returned by GetSchema("COLUMNS") can change depending on the source ODBC driver...

    //grok conn.GetSchema("DataTypes") to see what the specific driver returns for data types...

    //for some ADO.Net drivers, there are XML docs here that show the mappings used by SSIS:

    // C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\MappingFiles

    // I don't know if other 3rd-party drivers do or not...

    var dataType = c["TYPE_NAME"].ToString().Trim();

    var colName = c["COLUMN_NAME"].Value;

    var colLength = (int)c["COLUMN_SIZE"].Value;

    var colRadix = c["NUM_PREC_RADIX"];

    var colDigits = c["DECIMAL_DIGITS"];

    //this is naieve code below, assuming 1:1 mapping between source and destination data type names

    //and nothing fancy, like varchar(n) vs varchar(max) for SQL Server...

    //To see all the different metadata collections returned by a given ODBC Datasource,

    //grok the output from GetSchema("MetaDataCollections").

    switch(dataType) {

    case "CHAR":case "VARCHAR":

    sql.AppendFormat("{0} {1}({2}),", colName, dataType, colLength);

    default: //Integer, SmallInt, DateTime, etc...

    sql.AppendFormat("{0} {1},", colName, dataType);




    //need to fix the last line or so...

    sql.Replace( ",)", ")" );


    MessageBox.Show(sql.ToString(), "Create table DDL...");

    //return the sql string to a package variable so it can be used later in an ExecuteSQL task

    Dts.Variables["User::pkgCreateTableSql"].Value = sql.ToString();

    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
