Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Is there a way to sort the table after records are inserted? RE: Is there a way to sort the table after records are inserted?

  • I have used order by Len(name) desc so that AA will come first, but since order by will apply atlast, it will not work.

    One option I have in mind is to use a subquery like

    Declare @tab Table(name varchar(10), value varchar(10))

    Declare @mystring varchar(10)

    set @mystring='AA'

    insert into @tab

    select * from (select 'A' Name , 1 Value


    select 'AA',2) A order by LEN(name) desc

    select @mystring=REPLACE(@mystring,name,value) from @tab

    select @mystring

    What you think?
