• For obvious reasons I am leaving all details out of this comment.

    I know of a person that was easily able to go through every nursing station in a hospital and at each one, disconnect a device, plug in something and then reattach the device to his. He did this without a hospital ID, without a contractor badge, without a badge from anywhere. He wore ripped jeans, a ratty t-shirt, hadn't even combed his hair. He made himself look as suspicious as possible.

    Not one person stopped him. Not one person even questioned him. He was working on computers, he "must be trustworthy!"

    A short time later management received a report about the 'intrusion". I am sure that discussions were had, people were talked to, and that it was made clear exactly what to do if this type of event occurs.

    Do I believe anything changed? Well, I prefer to not speculate...
