Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Returning stored procedure results into a CTE or temp table? RE: Returning stored procedure results into a CTE or temp table?

  • GilaMonster (8/20/2013)

    Sean Lange (8/20/2013)

    GilaMonster (8/20/2013)

    A CTE however, despite its name, is not a table and hence can not have anything inserted into it.

    Acutally you can insert into a cte, just like you can delete from them.

    No, actually you can't. What you can do is insert into a table (permanent, temporary or variable) through a CTE, just as you can with a view (if it is updateable).

    You're not inserting into the CTE because a CTE has no persistent storage, it's just a select statement. The insert is into the base tables that the CTE is defined upon.

    True enough. I should have said that you can use them as the source for those operations but the data will really reside in the base table. Thanks for the correction.


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