• Hi Lynn,

    You are right. It opened 600 separate txns. Once I made the change suggested by Gail, I was able to clear the log.

    Select [spid],[Current LSN],[Operation],[Context],[Previous LSN],

    [Transaction Name], [Begin Time] as [Transaction Begin Time],[End Time] as [Transaction End Time],


    [Page ID],[Slot ID],[Previous Page LSN],


    from fn_dblog(null,null)

    where Operation in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT','LOP_INSERT_ROWS');

    But one thing, I am little confused was , as far as I know, the checkpoint should hold the list of all un-committed transactions. But, I do see as only 1 transaction.

    checkpoint; -- doesn't clear anything

    Select [Current LSN],[Operation],

    [Num Transactions]

    from fn_dblog(null,null)

    where Operation in ('LOP_XACT_CKPT','LOP_XACT_CKPT','LOP_END_CKPT')


    Current LSN Operation Num Transactions

    00000016:000000b3:0001LOP_XACT_CKPT 1

    00000016:000000b3:0002LOP_END_CKPT NULL


    Is that something wrong been shown for nested transactions ?? Any thoughts Gail ?