• I' m able to get this done. But I don't think this is correct way creating tables and dropping tables and selecting data twice.Can you please provide me a better script that monitors and sends an email when it finds an error in error log in last hour?

    Script that worked:

    CREATE TABLE #ErrorLog (

    LogDate DATETIME,

    ProcessInfo NVARCHAR(255),



    INSERT INTO #ErrorLog (





    EXEC xp_readerrorlog

    select left(@@servername,20)as servername, left(LogDate,20) as logdate,[LogText] into Errorlog from #ErrorLog

    where ProcessInfo !='Logon'

    and LogText not like 'Database backed up%'

    and LogText not like 'Log was backed up%'

    and LogText not like '%found 0 errors%'

    and LogText not like 'This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID%'

    and LogText not like 'Configuration option ''user options'' changed from 0 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.'

    and LogText not like 'Microsoft SQL Server 200%'

    and LogText not like '(c) %'

    and LogText not like 'All rights rese%'

    and LogText not like 'Server process ID is%'

    and LogText not like 'System Manufacturer:%'

    and LogText not like 'Authentication mode is %'

    and LogText not like 'Logging SQL Server messages in file%'

    and LogText not like 'This instance of SQL Server last reported using a process ID o%'

    and LogText not like 'Registry startup parameters:%'

    and LogText not like 'SQL Server is starting at normal priority base%'

    and LogText not like 'Detected % CPUs. This is an informational messag%'

    and LogText not like 'Using locked pages for buffer pool%'

    and LogText not like 'Using dynamic lock allocation.%'

    and LogText not like 'Node configuration: node 0: CPU mask%'

    and LogText not like 'Setting database option COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL to 100%'

    and LogText not like 'Setting database option COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL to 100 for database ReportServerTempDB.'

    and LogText not like 'Server is listening on %'

    and LogText not like 'Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on%'

    and LogText not like 'The SQL Server Network Interface library successfully registered the Service Principal Name%'

    and LogText not like 'Service Broker manager has started.'

    and LogText not like 'Starting up database%'

    and LogText not like 'CHECKDB for database % finished without errors on %'

    and LogText not like 'FILESTREAM: effective level = 0, configured level = 0%'

    and LogText not like 'AppDomain % unloaded.'

    --change the 72 below to alter timeframe of log read.

    and LogDate> DATEADD(hh, - 1, GETDATE())

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'dbmail',

    @recipients = 'abc@abc.com',

    @query = 'select * from Errorlog',

    @subject='error log error'

    drop table #ErrorLog

    drop table Errorlog