• Hi Gail,

    Thanks for your support.

    I have setup Transaction Log Shipping specifying the Primary server, and Secondary Server. When setting things up, there were two options for "Leave the DB in", NoRecovery or StandbyMode (Read-only operations). I selected StandByMode.

    It ***appears*** that the database log shipping jobs are working on both Primary and Secondary, as I am looking at the logs for them on both servers, and all steps are completing with no errors.

    However, I cannot check that the data is in a table for testing, because I cannot connect to the database. When I run 'Select DATABASEPROPERTYEX('Test_Site', 'Status')', I get 'RESTORING', and I can't "Use" it.

    How may I "Resync" everything on the Secondary server and get the database into "Standby"?

    Thanks a ton,
