• Lowell (8/6/2013)

    no, you should say "Because @@rowcount is affected by any commands in the session, it's my practice to re-select from the table in case there was a trigger that might returna different @@rowcount i might not expect."

    just blame force of habit to resolve rare edge cases like that.

    I read this post and thought the same thing. So I decided I should test my theory. It seems that @@rowcount returns the correct number at least in this simple test.

    create table RowCountTest


    id int



    create trigger RowCountTestTrigger on RowCountTest after insert as

    select top 1000 *

    into #Something

    from Tally


    insert RowCountTest

    select 1

    select @@ROWCOUNT

    If this was a QOTD I would have answered that the value of @@rowcount would be 1000. Interesting. Maybe I will have to do a little more digging and submit as a qotd soon.


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