• My data example was flawed... suppose it is this instead. Then how would the query be written? Thanks.

    table A

    Name | Address

    Tai | #

    Mike | #

    table B

    Name | Address

    Tai | 123 Main St

    Tai | 897 Main St

    Tai | 123 Main St

    Mike | 456 Broadway

    Mike | 456 Broadway

    desired output:

    Tai | 123 Main St

    Mike | 456 Broadway


    desired output:

    Tai | 897 Main St

    Mike | 456 Broadway

    (I don't care which of the two outputs I get... If I use "select a.name, b.address from a left outer join b on a.name = b.name" then I will end up with more than the two rows I am after.)