• PhilipC (7/31/2013)

    Has anyone noticed how vendor databases in general are getting worse and worse? It seems we're getting to an age where regardless of quality, it's just get the product out the door as quickly as possible.

    The company I work for just purchased a product which landed with me to install the database, and what I find is a database with very few tables actually having primary keys, no indexes and after a big data load they wonder why the performance is shot to hell.....

    I totally hear you! We've got a third party product, for scanning in signed documents, which we depend upon. Since they use SQL Server I decided to take a look at their database. Not one table had a primary key or index. They were all just flat files, for all intents and purposes. Now, in fairness to the company that made this product, recently I've noticed that they've cleaned up their act somewhat and have at least made primary keys in their tables. Nothing is related to anything else, but hey, they've at least got primary keys!

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.