• Is it any wonder that people don't take pride or ownership anymore? I'd argue that the problem starts higher that either developers or QA. It oozes from the top down from a basic disrespect of how creative people work.

    When I first started coding back in the Pleistocene, programming was seen as a creative art and (in the best workgroups) so was QA. I absolutely love working for a tough, smart QA person who can expose my sloppiness, (on those rare occasions when it occurs.) Good QA people don't think outside the box, they don't even see the box!

    But somewhere along the way, universities began churning out people with 'IT management' degrees who have increasingly seen software development as a rules-driven straight engineering process with no room for extra thought, extra reviews, or extra questions. To them, programmers and QA people have become replaceable modules who only need to blindly follow all instructions from on high.

    Agile is also part of the same problem when it blurs the roles and re-defines 'completion' to mean If it's running today, ship it!.


    "No pressure, no diamonds." - Thomas Carlyle