• Who could argue against testing, right? You would be crucified. But I think a mentality of "let QA do the testing" undermines good development. I am often confronted by code written by others - even on my own team - that is shoddy, to say the least. Too often, developers crank out whatever (sort of) works and move on. I work hard to test my code as I am writing it. I stop and think, "Does this make sense? Is this the best approach?" That means it tends to take me longer to put something out, but it's not filled with half-broken garbage. I am constantly shocked by the quality of code that many developers release for testing. 90% of the bugs are obvious and should have been found during development.

    My code is by no means perfect and I do need good testers to help me out. But they are finding the edge cases, the obscure things that weren't apparently obvious. It's an insult to good QA people (and a waste of their time and skills) to hand them garbage code. Like a writer who splashes out a first draft in one pass and then hands it into an editor. What are they going to say? The first QA tester should always be the developer.