• kanchan 58240 (7/29/2013)

    Hi Thanks for the reply.

    Yes. from the query we need to remove 'and'.

    The column datetime1 in both the table is of type datetime.

    The values which are present are like '2013-02-04 10:45:00.000', '2013-02-10 18:45:00.000', '2013-04-01 09:20:00.000', etc. From this value, I want to retrieve in the form of hours and minute.

    The end result values will be

    10:45, 18:45, 09:20, etc.

    Could you please help me out to get the result in the above form?

    Thanks in advance.

    I formatted this a bit so it is more legible. I also removed all of the date formatting. Honestly, your date formatting should be left to the front end instead of doing it in sql.

    select t.cardno ,dateadd(dd, -datediff(dd, t.datetime1, 1), 1) AS date,


    select min(st.datetime1)

    from view1 st

    where t.cardno = st.cardno

    and dateadd(dd, -datediff(dd, t.datetime1, 1), 1) = dateadd(dd, -datediff(dd, st.datetime1, 1), 1)

    and st.action = '1'

    )as InTime,


    select max(st.datetime1)

    from view1 st

    where t.cardno = st.cardno

    and dateadd(dd, -datediff(dd, t.datetime1, 1), 1) = dateadd(dd, -datediff(dd, st.datetime1, 1), 1)

    and st.action = '2'

    )as OutTime

    from view1 t

    --where t.cardno in ('111111','222222')

    group by t.cardno, dateadd(dd, -datediff(dd, t.datetime1, 1), 1)


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