• I'll admit I may be ignoring some of the details, but I think the essence of the question is how to avoid a cartesian product when left joining to multiple tables. From your description, it seems that you want your result to really be more like a union of results from several joins.

    Here's an example that I think shows a pattern you could follow, however you would have to be CAREFUL TO CHECK PERFORMANCE characteristics of the join to the Combi union.


    Trade(TradeId) as (

    select 1


    select 2


    select 3


    TC(TradeId, TradeComment) as (

    select 1 , 'TC 1a'


    select 1 , 'TC 1b'


    select 1 , 'TC 1c'


    select 2 , 'TC 2a'


    TA(TradeId, TradeAuditAction) as (

    select 1 , 'TA 1a'


    select 1 , 'TA 1b'


    Combi(TradeId, TradeComment, TradeAuditAction) as(

    select TradeId, TradeComment , null

    from TC

    union all

    select TradeId, null , TradeAuditAction

    from TA


    select Trade.TradeId, Combi.TradeComment, Combi.TradeAuditAction

    from Trade

    left join Combi on Combi.TradeId = Trade.TradeId

    It's not clear whether you really want a row in the result set for a Trade that has no matching rows in the three tables, but my example above assumes that you do. The answer would actually be simpler if you do not want such a row.. something like ....

    -- with Trade, TC, TA as above

    select Trade.TradeId, TC.TradeComment, null as TradeAuditAction

    from Trade

    join TC on TC.TradeId = Trade.TradeId

    union all

    select Trade.TradeId, null, TA.TradeAuditAction

    from Trade

    join TA on TA.TradeId = Trade.TradeId