• ksatpute123 (7/24/2013)

    Easiest way


    SELECT @listStr = COALESCE(@listStr+',' ,'') + Name

    FROM Production.Product

    GROUP BY Name

    SELECT @listStr


    Yep, does look like. However...

    Correct concatenation of string values (eg. accumulating of numeric values) using "SELECT @var = @var + Col FROM Table" costruction is not guaranteed in SQL Server!

    Most of times, simple select will work. Having GROUP BY (as well as using JOINS) increases probability that accumulated value will not be correct. Selecting from sub-query with DISTINCT could be a bit safer option.

    One of the reasons why all of the above ways may produce wrong results - query parallelising.

    Could be some more reasons there too, that why OPTION (MAXDOP 1) may still not help...

    I'm aware of only two ways of doing it safely with strings:

    1. aggregate CLR function

    2. using FOR XML PATH

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