• Sean Lange (7/22/2013)

    I agree with Steve that if this information is potentially sensitive then the system was designed poorly. This type of information should NOT be populated through a number of tables. Unfortunately that is what you have to deal with today.

    I also agree with Steve that this is a potential issue for somebody new to the sql universe.

    If however all you really need to is to mask the actual values in a test environment this really is not that difficult. I put together an example of how you could do something like this.

    Please note that is only an example. Your real situation is likely to be a bit more complicated than this.

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ClientInfo') is not null

    drop table #ClientInfo

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ClientAccount') is not null

    drop table #ClientAccount

    create table #ClientInfo


    ExistingID int,

    NewValue int


    --This will generate 500 random integer values that will serve as "existing ID's"

    --You would not do this in your system, this is just generating some data that is

    --used to represent the table of data that you already have.

    insert #ClientInfo(ExistingID)

    select top 500 * from


    select distinct ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 10000 + 400 as NewVal

    from sys.all_columns

    ) x

    create table #ClientAccount


    ExistingID int, --this is the column used in joins currently if I understand correctly

    NewValue int


    insert #ClientAccount (ExistingID)

    select ExistingID

    from #ClientInfo

    --Now we have two tables that both have values that we want to "mask"

    select *

    from #ClientInfo

    order by ExistingID

    select *

    from #ClientAccount

    order by ExistingID


    Now that we have those two tables how can we go about mixing up the values?

    Let's start looking at NewValue in each table to hold the new values.

    In the real scenario we do not need these extra columns, I am including them for a visual reference and testing confirmation.


    update #ClientInfo

    set NewValue = ExistingID

    update #ClientAccount

    set NewValue = ExistingID

    select * from #ClientInfo --This will demonstrate that the values are the same

    select * from #ClientAccount

    --This is where you would start. Everything above here is just setting up the example.

    update #ClientInfo

    set ExistingID = floor(((ExistingID * 400) / 123.456789) * 100)

    update #ClientAccount

    set ExistingID = floor(((ExistingID * 400) / 123.456789) * 100)

    --Cool we twisted the numbers around. But, did it work? Can we still join on our numbers?

    select *

    from #ClientAccount ca

    join #ClientInfo ci on ca.ExistingID = ci.ExistingID

    Hi Sean this is WONDERFUL solution, i believe in my current situation.

    Just wondering, once account number chages with update, it makes permantaly chages.

    if admin want to refer back to the original account number how he can go for it??

    I guess before we make an final update , introduce new column into table and populate it with actual account number .

    and then apply the operation of masking them!!!!

    Am I right?
