Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General What is the performance point at which it makes sense to get Enterprise instead of Standard RE: What is the performance point at which it makes sense to get Enterprise instead of Standard

  • For me the biggest limitation in Standard Edition is the RIDICULOUSLY LOW maximum memory. Fortunately you can supplant that with SSD storage to some degree, although I will caution anyone who thinks that is a magic bullet. PageIOLatch_xx can still get you, but they will be less onerous than the tens to perhaps thousands of milliseconds you may see with rotating media and too little RAM. The other biggie, and I mean potentially non-functional application biggie, is deadlocks. I have had several clients that have started throwing a blizzard of deadlocks after moving to SSD storage, including one that had to roll back to rotating media to get their system reusable!!

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service