• I'm a 60 year old unemployed person who enjoyed working in engineering. I can't break the habit of working. I create projects to work on. It was starting one of my projects that I saw would give me a chance to learn SLQ.

    My two impression are SLQ is amazingly and deceptively simple. SQL shows how simple concepts evolve into something with much complexity. This is a natural quandary within SQL.

    I enjoy working with and being around young people. I've seen how young people grow being around older workers. Older workers trend to level out emotional component in an organization. Too many older people get too hung up being in their comfort zone. They need their ideas to be questioned.

    There is an natural order. The natural order is groups have more skills and experience to drew on to solve problems. Much experience is earned over time. The gift of youth is seeing opportunities in new ideas. Nothing feds creative people than being around a multitude of ideas and experience in an open environment where being difference is expected and like think is discouraged.