• Problem solved, but with a very uncommon / unknown way. I told him to change the query text something like this :

    insert into #tmp

    select deptmst.deptname As 'Department',

    isnull(doctormst.title,' ')+' '+isnull(rtrim(doctormst.firstname),' ')+' '+isnull(rtrim(doctormst.middlename),' ')+''+isnull(rtrim(doctormst.lastname),' ') As 'Name of Doctor',




    inner join ...



    i.e. I just wrote 'Name of Doctor' column in a single line and those box characters (actually they are neither unicode nor anything else, but just Carriage Return and Line Feed characters which were coming by itself query text) gone. Even though I was not sure, that it is the solution/answer of the problem, I just tried and bingo it worked as what I wanted.

    I am just sharing the solution for next readers of the question.


    Girish Sharma