• Thanks Musab - your suggestion lead me to a change that I made a few months ago.

    I added this in msdb..sp_help_category stored proc to not show all our ReportServer subscriptions in SQL Server Agent - as there is a lot.

    --Start Of SSRS Subscriptions

    SET @where_clause += N'




    name = ''Report Server''

    AND (

    SELECT program_name

    FROM sys.sysprocesses

    where spid = @@spid) = ''Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio'' THEN 0

    ELSE 1

    END = 1 '

    --End Of SSRS Subscriptions

    -- Execute the query EXECUTE (@cmd + @where_clause + N'ORDER BY category_type, name')

    I comment it and I was able to access the Alerts again.

    Is there maybe an alternative to not show the SSRS subscriptions in SQL Server Agent? What i am doing now is just to comment that part to create a few alerts and then uncomment it again to not show all the subscriptions.