• Sean Lange (7/9/2013)

    JoNTSQLSrv (7/9/2013)

    Hi guys ,

    I live in INDIA. For one year i have been working in sql server 2005 as a developer and i never got opportunity to learn MS SQL admin task so i never focused on admin task. My company is developing ERP : By using their own tool which will generate Front end C# .net deliverable and flex and we will deploy in iis and the tool itself will create and associate sp's for task performing in screen. so all the validation and functionality will be controlled through sp's. I feel our company ERP is very slow when i use it.

    Now my doubt is :

    1. Is it proper way to do ERP ? if no , then what is the best way to create ERP to work faster ?

    2. my company is providing only 83 dollars per month. And i feel with MS sql server i can't get more salary for my future life ? i don't know whether it is true or not ? so how much salary you guys are earning as developer ? and will i get opportunity to work in U.S if i become good in MS SQL server ?

    3. MS SQL or ORACLE DB--- > which one is the best ...i know this is difficult question , but it is where i have to decide my future .

    You packed a lot of questions in there. Your ERP, there is no chance anybody can really say if that is the best way or not. There simply is nowhere near enough information to have a feeling one way or the other. If it is slow, then there seems to be some need for improvement.

    Of course on this site everyone will say SQL Server, it is a site dedicated to sql server.

    Nobody on the internet can decide your future for you. That decision is yours and your alone.

    Thanks a lot for you reply @sean Lange,

    Ok please leave that ERP question .

    MY main doubt is whether SQL Server developer will earn more salary ?

    How much you all guys are earning as MS SQL Server developer or as DBA ?

    is there any option for me as a INDIAN to get job in U.S in MS SQL Server as developer ? If soo, what are all the main topics i have to learn in MS SQL other that SQL coding ?

    My only confusion is : In Salary point view ORACLE OR MS SQL SERVER ?