• hvermaak (7/1/2013)

    I am very excited about the new version of SQL. Downloaded the CTP for testing on one of my own machines.

    I have done the same thing since the CTP for SQL 2000 was released.

    For the first time the rule check of the CTP has resquested that the previous version of SQL be removed before procedding with the installation.

    In the past it was always possible to test and play around with the new version on your local box without affecting your current sql install. Now it would appear that you need to build a seperate server or workstation to familarise yourself with the version.

    This is a pain for testing but to role out into a production environment is going to be a Nightmare. Is anyone else getting the same error or is it just me?

    It's a CTP. It's possible it can break existing installations of SQL Server. I certainly wouldn't roll it out on a production server.

    You can download a VHD from Microsoft and add it in HyperV for quick testing. It only took me minutes to get started with SQL 2014.

    Another option is to test SQL 2014 in Azure.[/url]

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