• MyDoggieJessie (7/5/2013)

    I've read various articles on how to do this but tried a different approach and while it appears to work for the most part, there were still some issues that I'm hoping someone can point out the obvious.

    We have replication already set up and going on a reporting server. There is a separate publisher, distributor, and subscriber server. Our attempt is to recreate "clone" the existing replication set up on the existing reporting server to a new reporting server.

    Our process:

    - We stopped the distributor agent

    - Waited for replicated transactions to complete at the subscriber

    - Took a full backup of the subscribed databases

    - Restored these databases on the new reporting server (at this point both subscribers should be 100% the same)

    - Created a new subscription to the existing publications on the new server

    - Re-enabled the distribution agent and waited for replicated commands to hit both subscribers

    This seems to work, but for some tables we're off by a few hundred, to a few thousand rows...

    The only error we can find is "The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command" - which to keep things flowing we added -SKIPERRORS 20598

    It appears very random, but is keeping things in sync for the most part (minus the original missing rows)

    Any suggestions or ideas as to we are getting these errors? Shouldn't both database servers be exactly the same in the method we took?

    Your process are correct. Let me ask you few more questions.

    1. Do you have any jobs that delete rows the reporting server

    2. Do you have SP's that are participating in the replication as an article

    3. You mentioned a few tables are not always sync. Does this happen all the time those tables are not in sync. What I meant is when ever you recreate the replication does those tables are not in sync.

    I am using P2P replication with more than 3 peers I never encountered this issue. But we do get a tons of conflicts.

    Thank you