• Thanks Hanshi,

    But we do not have backup device. Every 15 mins, log backup creates a new log backup file under the backup path


    So in the @filename, I'm giving the log backup path as @filename=''Z:\Backups\VS1$ABCINS1\WSS_Content_DB1\LOG''

    still the script that generated have only the backup path but no the actual log backup files

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_log @Database='WSS_Content_DB1', @filename='Z:\Backups\VS1$ABCINS1\WSS_Content_DB1\LOG', @with = NORECOVERY, @with ='STATS = 10'

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_log @Database='WSS_Content_DB1', @filename='Z:\Backups\VS1$ABCINS1\WSS_Content_DB1\LOG', @with = NORECOVERY, @with ='STATS = 10'

    I'm expecting the below output:

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_log @Database='WSS_Content_DB1', @filename='Z:\Backups\VS1$ABCINS1\WSS_Content_DB1\LOG\WSS_Content_DB1_20130704_104616.lstrn', @with = NORECOVERY, @with ='STATS = 10'

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_log @Database='WSS_Content_DB1', @filename='Z:\Backups\VS1$ABCINS1\WSS_Content_DB1\LOG\WSS_Content_DB1_20130704_110117.lstrn', @with = NORECOVERY, @with ='STATS = 10'