• It is working great.

    One more question, I want to insert the result into a temp table but code below did not work.

    Something wrong with my code?

    select * into #myinvoice from ( //your code below

    SELECT *,ISNULL(jan,0) +

    ISNULL(feb,0) +

    ISNULL(mar,0) +

    ISNULL(apr,0) +

    ISNULL(may,0) +

    ISNULL(jun,0) +

    ISNULL(jul,0) +

    ISNULL(aug,0) +

    ISNULL(sep,0) +

    ISNULL(oct,0) +

    ISNULL(nov,0) +

    ISNULL(dec,0) [YearToDate]

    FROM (


    year(CONVERT(DATE,InvoiceDate)) as [year],left(datename(month,CONVERT(DATE,InvoiceDate)),3)as [month],

    InvoiceAmount as Amount

    FROM Invoice

    ) as s




    FOR [month] IN (jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec)

    )AS [pivot]
