• You will love DM function sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats.

    In DETAILED mode it gives you info about the index, level-by-level (0 = leaf level).


    -- Create HEAP table and insert 10M rows in one step

    select top 10000000 a.*

    INTO BigTable

    from sys.all_columns a cross join sys.all_columns b

    -- create clustered index (table becomes "clustered", it is no longer HEAP)

    alter table BigTable add id int identity primary key clustered

    -- display index physcal details, level by level

    select *

    from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats

    (db_id(), -- current db


    1, -- clustered index

    DEFAULT, -- default = all partitions

    'DETAILED' -- DETAILED (gives info by each index level), SAMPLED, LIMITED (fastest)


    -- cleanup

    -- drop table BigTable

    And the result is:





    On leaf level (level 0) we have 10 000 000 rows in 105 515 data pages.

    On first non-leaf level (level 1) we have 105 515 index ROWS that fit in only 170 index PAGES.

    Above that, at level 2 is only one, a root page of the index containing 170 index rows (each index row points to a PAGE of the level below, so at level 1 we have 170 PAGES).

    Percent of Btree pages in total pages is (170+1) / (170+1+105515) = 0,16% which is well below 1%.

    Hope that helps a bit in understanding.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers
    blog.sqlxdetails.com - Transaction log myths