• Very interesting topic.

    I tried but I am getting only password.which have normal character like a to Z

    If i add any special character I am not getting proper output and it's take too long time .

    one more is I am getting output in ppt format.I don't where I did mistake

    I am not getting EULA: option in Command Prompt..

    I used below script :

    hashcat-cli32.exe -a 3 --pw-min=4 --pw-max=12 -m 132 -p : -o "C:\hashcat-0.46\SQL_passwords.txt" -output-format=0 -n 2 "C:\hashcat-0.46\Hashes.txt" -1 ?l?u?d?s ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

    If i used below scipt I am getting error :

    hashcat-cli32.exe -a 3 --pw-min=4 --pw-max=12 -m 131 -p : -o "C:\hashcat-0.46\SQL_passwords.txt" -output-format=0 -n 2 "C:\hashcat-0.46\Hashes.txt" -1 ?l?u?d?s ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

    Skipping line : (Line length exception)

    No hashes Found.

    OS Version : Windows Xp

    SQL Server 2008

