Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Converting varbinary to numeric type in tsql -- decimal in c# RE: Converting varbinary to numeric type in tsql -- decimal in c#

  • yeah i see that now;

    a simple test harness for others to use:

    ;With MySampleData([Name],[DecimalValue],[NumericValue])



    SELECT 'Number2_4', 0x14E20100000000000000000000000200, 1234.12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Number1', 0xCF040000000000000000000000000100, 123.1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Number5', 0xD9299549000000000000000000000500, 12345.12345 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Number4', 0xF24FBC00000000000000000000000400, 1234.1234


    SELECT * FROM MySampleData


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