• -- no cursors are required here:

    -- Construct a table from the list of invoice numbers

    IF object_id('TempDB..#InvoiceList') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #InvoiceList

    SELECT inv_num

    INTO #InvoiceList

    FROM (

    SELECT inv_num =

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv1) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv2) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv3) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv4) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv5) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv6) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv7) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv8) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv9) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv10) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv11) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv12) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv13) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv14) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv15) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv16) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv17) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv18) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv19) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv20)

    ) d

    WHERE inv_num IS NOT NULL

    -- reconstruct the credits query and run results into temp table #Credits


    Belegdatum= CONVERT(datetime, ih.inv_date, 104),

    Buchungsdatum= GETDATE(), -- GETDATE() doesn't need converting to DATETIME

    Buchungstext= ca.name + ' ' + dbo.NonExpandKy(10, ih.inv_num) + '/1', --The concatenation of fields for the @InvText

    Buchungsbetrag= ih.price, --@InvAmt

    Sollkonto= '',

    Habenkonto= (SELECT z.Uf_FTOldCustNo FROM customer z WHERE z.cust_num = c.cust_num and z.cust_seq = 0) --Credit Account Numbers

    INTO #Credits

    FROM inv_hdr ih

    JOIN customer c

    ON ih.cust_num = c.cust_num AND c.cust_seq = ih.cust_seq

    INNER JOIN custaddr ca

    ON ih.cust_num = ca.cust_num AND ih.cust_seq = ca.cust_seq

    WHERE ih.inv_num IN (SELECT inv_num FROM #InvoiceList)

    AND ih.inv_num like 'G%'

    AND ih.price > 0


    -- reconstruct the debits query and run results into temp table #debits


    Belegdatum= InvDate,

    Buchungsdatum= BookDate,

    Buchungstext= InvText,

    Buchungsbetrag= ((LinePrice - LineDisc) * LineTax) + (LinePrice - LineDisc),

    Sollkonto= DEBIT,

    Habenkonto= CREDIT

    INTO #Debits

    FROM (


    InvDate= CONVERT(DATETIME, ih.inv_date, 104),

    BookDate= GETDATE(),

    InvText= ca.name + ' ' + dbo.NonExpandKy(10, ii.inv_num) + '/1',

    LinePrice= ii.qty_invoiced * ii.price,

    LineDisc= ih.disc_amount / COUNT(ii.inv_line) OVER(PARTITION BY ih.inv_num), --The disc_amount is a whole number in the header table, not line by line

    LineTax= CASE

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 IN ('EU', 'NON-EU') THEN 0

    ELSE ix.tax_rate/100 END,


    WHEN ih.tax_code1 = 'EU' THEN x.eu_account

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 = 'NON-EU' THEN x.noneu_account

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 IS NULL THEN x.inland_account



    FROM inv_hdr ih

    INNER JOIN inv_item ii on ih.inv_num = ii.inv_num

    CROSS APPLY ( -- read the lookup just once

    SELECT eu_account, noneu_account, inland_account

    FROM ViewForTaxAccts xi

    WHERE xi.item = ii.item

    ) x

    LEFT JOIN inv_stax ix on ih.inv_num = ix.inv_num

    INNER JOIN item i on ii.item = i.item

    INNER JOIN customer c on ih.cust_num = c.cust_num and c.cust_seq = ih.cust_seq

    INNER join custaddr ca on ih.cust_num = ca.cust_num and ih.cust_seq = ca.cust_seq

    WHERE ih.inv_num IN (SELECT inv_num FROM #InvoiceList)

    AND ih.inv_num LIKE 'G%'

    AND ii.price > 0

    ) d

    -- now compare the two temp tables, #Credits and #Debits

    -- consider aggregating the #debits table

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden