• i checked my ddl again and it works and it returns sample data

    This query returns below data:





    I like to make a query that returns also below data:


    100 DOC-0001

    210 TT-0002

    301 DOC-0005

    421 CON-0007

    530 TT-0002

    65 0 CON-0003

    it seams my question is clear, i recieve docno with transmittalno from main office and then t get tranmittaltoconNo by my self and distribute these documents, getting number for docno,transmittalno is not my job just i can get tranmittaltoconNo so sometimes i dispatch one document that i have received with transmittalno to 3 or 6 contractor.

    so i have for same (docid,transid) different transmittaltoConID , if the design of tables has problem please help?

    also please help how i can make hierarchical structure query with parent and position.

    thanks in advanced.